We have many local opportunities that can enhance your resume, help you transfer, or turn into meaningful employment. To learn more, obtain assistance with professional documents or find job leads, apply today!
Watch Erika’s inspirational story about how she changed her life by choosing the community college route to a fulfilling biotech career.
Why do we write resumes and how do you even get started? Join our Career Education Coach, Danielle Alarid, as she explains what a resume is, why we use them, and how to effectively plan the content for yours. This video covers several topics such as resume vs CV, how to use job descriptions to plan and prepare your own professional development, verbs that make you stand out from other applicants, and how prevent your electronic resume from being filtered out. The video is just over 17 minutes long and contains topic transitions where you can break and return to complete the content.
OC Biotech grad, now employed in industry!
Two OC Biotech grads working together
Our interns love what they do!
Want to get your photo posted on the site? Send them to internship@ocbiotecheducation.com
DL the Skills Assessment Form or Skills List to update your resume and inventory acquired technical and professional skills