Write Comments for Report Cards and Assignments in Minutes

The Comment Generator takes a set of comments that you define in order to assist you in writing detailed, personalized and highly specific reports in a fraction of the time that writing by hand takes.

The Comment Generator has already been used to generate 189,266 reports. Our users say that it saves them about 5 minutes per report created this way, meaning The Comment Generator has saved its users over 15,772 hours!

A Better Way to Write Report Cards and Give Assignment Feedback

Made For Teachers By Teachers

Created for teachers by teachers who are currently in the classroom and using it themselves

Personalize Reports

Write personal reports in your own words and easily tailor them to each student

Save Time

Work smarter not harder - put effort into the important parts of reporting, while automating the tedious parts

Why Choose The Comment Generator?

Save Time on Reporting.

. Without Sacrificing Report Quality.

. While Working Securely and Collaboratively

How it Works

Unlike some websites, The Comment Generator does not create random reports but rather helps you quickly write highly personalized reports. When teachers are writing report card comments or comments for assignments by hand, they start sounding quite similar over time. Many teachers develop comment templates that they use to help them get started. The Comment Generator works like this but makes it much easier. You define what you want your reports to say, and The Comment Generator helps you put them together, put the students' names into the reports, and make sure the pronouns are correct.

Step 1: Create a Comment Bank Step 2: Generate Reports Step 3: Copy Finished Reports

⮚ Start by using our comment editor to create a comment bank that works with your subject, for your school board. The comment editor will help you insert placeholders - words that will be replaced with things such as names, pronouns or input fields.