State Farm Car Policy Booklet

THIS POLICY. 3 Nonduplication . 19 Exclusions . 19 DEFINITIONS. 4 If Other Physical Damage Coverage or Similar Coverage Applies. 21 LIABILITY COVERAGE . 5 Financed Vehicle . 21 Additional Definition. 5 Our Payment Options . 21 Insuring Agreement. 6 Supplementary Payments. 6 Limits. 6 DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND Nonduplication. 7 LOSS OF SIGHT COVERAGE . 22 Exclusions. 7 Additional Definition . 22 If Other Liability Coverage Applies. 8 Insuring Agreement . 22 Required Out-of-State Liability Coverage . 9 Financial Responsibility Certification . 9 Benefit. 22 Exclusions – Death, Dismemberment and MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE. 9 Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of Earnings Additional Definitions . 9 Coverage . 23 Insuring Agreement. 10 Our Payment Options– Death, Dismemberment Determining Medical Expenses . 10 and Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of Limit . 10 Earnings Coverage . 24 Exclusions. 10 If Other Medical Payments Coverage or LOSS OF EARNINGS COVERAGE . 23 Similar Vehicle Insurance Applies . 11 Our Payment Options. 12 Additional Definitions. 23 Insuring Agreement . 23 UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE Limit. 23 COVERAGE . 12 Exclusions– Death, Dismemberment and Additional Definitions . 12 Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of Earnings Insuring Agreement. 13 Coverage . 23 Consent to Settlement . 13 Our Payment Options – Death, Dismemberment Deciding Fault and Amount . 13 and Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of Limits. 13 Earnings Coverage . 24 Nonduplication. 14 INSURED’S DUTIES . 24 Exclusions. 14 If Other Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage Notice to Us of an Accident or Loss. 24 Applies . 15 Notice to Us of a Claim or Lawsuit. 24 Our Payment Options. 15 Insured’s Duty to Cooperate With Us. 24 PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGES . 15 Questioning Under Oath. 24 Additional Definitions . 16 Insuring Agreements. 16 Other Duties Under the Physical Damage Coverages. 24 Supplementary Payments – Comprehensive Coverage and Collision Coverage . 17 Other Duties Under Medical Payments Limits and Loss Settlement – Comprehensive Coverage, Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage and Collision Coverage. 18 Coverage, Death, Dismemberment and Limits – Car Rental and Travel Expenses Loss of Sight Coverage, and Loss of Coverage. 19 Earnings Coverage . 25 2 9828A GENERAL TERMS . 25 Cancellation. 27 When Coverage Applies . 25 Assignment. 27 Where Coverage Applies . 25 Bankruptcy or Insolvency of the Insured . 28 Newly Owned or Newly Leased Car . 26 Concealment or Fraud . 28 Changes to This Policy . 26 Our Right to Recover Our Payments. 28 Premium. 26 Legal Action Against Us. 28 Renewal . 27 Choice of Law . 29 Nonrenewal. 27 Severability . 29

THIS POLICY 1. This policy consists of: (2) Neither you nor any member of your household has, within the past three a. the most recently issued Declarations years, had: Page; (a) vehicle insurance canceled or b. the policy booklet version shown on that nonrenewed by an insurer; or Declarations Page; and (b) either: c. any endorsements that apply, including those listed on that Declarations Page as (i) a license to drive; or well as those issued in connection with any (ii) a vehicle registration subsequent renewal of this policy. suspended, revoked, or refused. 2. This policy contains all of the agreements be- (3) Your car is used for pleasure and tween all named insureds and applicants and: business. a. us; and 4. All named insureds and applicants agree by b. any of our agents. acceptance of this policy that: 3. We agree to provide insurance according to the a. the statements in 3.b. above are made by the named insured or applicant and are terms of this policy: true; and a. based on payment of premium for the cov- erages chosen; and b. we provide this insurance on the basis those statements are true. b. unless otherwise stated in EXCEPTIONS, POLICY BOOKLET, AND ENDORSE- 5. Your purchase of this policy may allow you to purchase certain coverages, coverage options, MENTS on the Declarations Page, in reliance coverage deductibles, coverage limits, or cov- on the following statements: erage terms on other policies from the State (1) The named insured is the sole owner Farm Companies, subject to their applicable of your car. eligibility rules.

3 9828A DEFINITIONS We define certain words and phrases below for use Non-Owned Car means a car that is in the lawful throughout the policy. Each coverage includes ad- possession of you or any resident relative and that ditional definitions only for use with that coverage. neither: These definitions apply to the singular, plural, and possessive forms of these words and phrases. De- 1. is owned by: fined words and phrases are printed in boldface a. you; italics. b. any resident relative; Bodily Injury means bodily injury to a person and c. any other person who resides primarily in sickness, disease, or death that results from it. your household; or Car means a land motor vehicle with four or more d. an employer of any person described in a., wheels, designed for use primarily on public roads. b., or c. above; nor It does not include: 2. has been operated by, rented by, or in the pos- 1. Any vehicle while located for use as a dwelling session of: or other premises; or a. you; or 2. A truck-tractor designed to pull any type of b. any resident relative trailer. during any part of each of the 31 or more con- Car Business means a business or job where the secutive days immediately prior to the date of purpose is to sell, lease, rent, repair, service, mod- the accident or loss. ify, transport, store, or park land motor vehicles or any type of trailer. Occupying means in, on, entering, or exiting. Fungi means any type or form of fungus or fungi Our means the Company issuing this policy as and includes: shown on the Declarations Page. 1. Mold; Owned By means: 2. Mildew; and 1. owned by; 3. Any of the following that are produced or re- 2. registered to; or leased by fungi: 3. leased, if the lease is written for a period of 31 a. Mycotoxins; or more consecutive days, to. b. Spores; Pedestrian means a person who is not occupying: c. Scents; or 1. a motorized vehicle; or d. Byproducts. 2. a vehicle designed to be pulled by a motorized vehicle. Newly Acquired Car means a car newly owned by Person means a human being. you. A car ceases to be a newly acquired car on the earlier of: Private Passenger Car means: 1. the effective date and time of a policy, includ- 1. a car of the private passenger type, other than a ing any binder, issued by us or any other com- pickup truck, van, minivan, or sport utility ve- pany that describes the car as an insured hicle, designed primarily to carry persons and vehicle; or their luggage; or 2. a pickup truck, van, minivan, or sport utility 2. the end of the 14th calendar day immediately vehicle: following the date the car is delivered to you. a. that is not used for: If a newly acquired car is not otherwise afforded (1) wholesale; or comprehensive coverage or collision coverage by this or any other policy, then this policy will pro- (2) retail vide Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Cover- pick up or delivery; and age for that newly acquired car, subject to a b. that has a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating of deductible of $500. Any coverage provided as a 10,000 pounds or less. result of this paragraph will apply only until the end Resident Relative means a person, other than you, of the 5th calendar day immediately following the who resides primarily with the first person shown as a date the newly acquired car is delivered to you. named insured on the Declarations Page and who is: 4 9828A 1. related to that named insured or his or her 1. only those trailers: spouse by blood, marriage, or adoption, includ- a. designed to be pulled by a private passen- ing an unmarried and unemancipated child of ger car; either who is away at school and otherwise maintains his or her primary residence with b. not designed to carry persons; and that named insured; or c. while not used as premises for office, 2. a ward or a foster child of that named insured, store, or display purposes; or his or her spouse, or a person described in 1. 2. a farm implement or farm wagon while being above. pulled on public roads by a car. State Farm Companies means one or more of the Us means the Company issuing this policy as shown on the Declarations Page. following: We means the Company issuing this policy as 1. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance shown on the Declarations Page. Company; You or Your means the named insured or named 2. State Farm Fire and Casualty Company; and insureds shown on the Declarations Page. If a 3. Subsidiaries or affiliates of either 1. or 2. above. named insured shown on the Declarations Page is a person, then “you” or “your” includes the spouse of Temporary Substitute Car means a car that is in the the first person shown as a named insured if the lawful possession of the person operating it and that: spouse resides primarily with that named insured. 1. replaces your car for a short time while your Your Car means the vehicle shown under YOUR car is out of use due to its: CAR on the Declarations Page. Your Car does not include a vehicle that you no longer own or lease. a. breakdown; b. repair; If a car is shown on the Declarations Page under YOUR CAR, and you ask us to replace it with a car c. servicing; newly owned by you, then the car being replaced d. damage; or will continue to be considered your car until the e. theft; and earliest of: 2. neither you nor the person operating it own or 1. the end of the 30th calendar day immediately have registered. following the date the car newly owned by you is delivered to you; If a car qualifies as both a non-owned car and a temporary substitute car, then it is considered a 2. the date this policy is no longer in force; or temporary substitute car only. 3. the date you no longer own or lease the car Trailer means: being replaced.

This policy provides Liability Coverage if “A” is (2) a temporary substitute car; shown under “SYMBOLS” on the Declarations Page. 2. the first person shown as a named insured on the Additional Definition Declarations Page and that named insured’s Insured means: spouse who resides primarily with that named insured for the maintenance or use of a car that 1. you and resident relatives for: is owned by, or furnished by an employer to, a a. the ownership, maintenance, or use of: person who resides primarily in your household, (1) your car; but only if such car is neither owned by, nor fur- nished by an employer to, the first person shown (2) a newly acquired car; or as a named insured on the Declarations Page or (3) a trailer; and that person’s spouse; b. the maintenance or use of: 3. any other person for his or her use of: (1) a non-owned car; or a. your car;

5 9828A b. a newly acquired car; 1. Interest on damages owed by the insured that c. a temporary substitute car; or accrues: a. before a judgment, where owed by law, but d. a trailer while attached to a car described only on that part of the judgment we pay; in a., b., or c. above. and Such vehicle must be used within the scope of your consent; and b. after a judgment. We will not pay interest on damages paid or payable by a party 4. any other person or organization vicariously other than the insured or us. liable for the use of a vehicle by an insured as defined in 1., 2., or 3. above, but only for such We have no duty to pay interest that accrues after vicarious liability. This provision applies only we deposit in court, pay, or offer to pay, the amount if the vehicle is neither owned by, nor hired by, due under this policy’s Liability Coverage; that other person or organization. 2. Premiums for bonds, provided by a company Insured does not include the United States of chosen by us, required to appeal a decision in a America or any of its agencies. lawsuit against an insured. We have no duty to: Insuring Agreement a. pay for bonds that exceed this policy’s ap- plicable Liability Coverage limit; 1. We will pay: b. furnish or apply for any bonds; or a. damages an insured becomes legally liable c. pay premiums for bonds purchased after to pay because of: we deposit in court, pay, or offer to pay, (1) bodily injury to others; and the amount due under this policy’s Liabil- (2) damage to property ity Coverage; and caused by an accident that involves a vehi- 3. The following costs and expenses if related to cle for which that insured is provided Li- and incurred after a lawsuit has been filed ability Coverage by this policy; against an insured: b. attorney fees for attorneys chosen by us to a. Loss of wages or salary, but not other in- defend an insured who is sued for such come, up to $200 for each day an insured damages; and attends, at our request: c. court costs charged to an insured and re- (1) an arbitration; sulting from that part of a lawsuit: (2) a mediation; or (1) that seeks damages payable under this (3) a trial of a lawsuit; and policy’s Liability Coverage; and b. Reasonable expenses incurred by an in- (2) against which we defend an insured sured at our request other than loss of with attorneys chosen by us. wages, salary, or other income. We have no duty to pay attorney fees and court The amount of any of the costs or expenses costs incurred after we deposit in court or pay listed above that are incurred by an insured the amount due under this policy’s Liability must be reported to us before we will pay such Coverage. incurred costs or expenses. 2. We have the right to: Limits a. investigate, negotiate, and settle any claim The Liability Coverage limits for bodily injury are or lawsuit; shown on the Declarations Page under “Liability b. defend an insured in any claim or lawsuit, Coverage – Bodily Injury Limits – Each Person, with attorneys chosen by us; and Each Accident.” c. appeal any award or legal decision The limit shown under “Each Person” is the most for damages payable under this policy’s Liabil- we will pay for all damages resulting from bodily ity Coverage. injury to any one person injured in any one acci- dent, including all damages sustained by other per- Supplementary Payments sons as a result of that bodily injury. The limit We will pay, in addition to the damages, fees, and shown under “Each Accident” is the most we will costs described in the Insuring Agreement above, pay, subject to the limit for “Each Person”, for all the interest, premiums, costs, and expenses listed damages resulting from bodily injury to two or below that result from such accident: more persons injured in the same accident. 6 9828A The Liability Coverage limit for damage to property 5. FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE is shown on the Declarations Page under “Liability OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE, OR USE OF Coverage – Property Damage Limit – Each Acci- A VEHICLE WHILE IT IS RENTED TO OR dent”. The limit shown is the most we will pay for LEASED TO OTHERS BY AN INSURED; all damages resulting from damage to property in 6. FOR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE any one accident. OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE, OR USE OF These Liability Coverage limits are the most we A VEHICLE WHILE IT IS BEING USED TO will pay regardless of the number of: CARRY PERSONS FOR A CHARGE. This exclusion does not apply to the use of a private 1. insureds; passenger car on a share-the-expense basis; 2. claims made; 7. WHILE MAINTAINING OR USING A VE- 3. vehicles insured; or HICLE IN CONNECTION WITH THAT IN- SURED’S EMPLOYMENT IN OR 4. vehicles involved in the accident. ENGAGEMENT OF ANY KIND IN A CAR Nonduplication BUSINESS. This exclusion does not apply to: We will not pay any damages or expenses under a. you; Liability Coverage: b. any resident relative; or 1. that have already been paid as expenses under c. any agent, employee, or partner of a. or b. Medical Payments Coverage of any policy is- above sued by the State Farm Companies to you or any resident relative; or while maintaining or using your car, a newly acquired car, a temporary substitute car, or a 2. that have already been paid under Uninsured trailer; Motor Vehicle Coverage of any policy issued by the State Farm Companies to you or any 8. WHILE THAT INSURED IS VALET PARK- resident relative. ING A VEHICLE; Exclusions 9. WHILE MAINTAINING OR USING ANY VEHICLE OTHER THAN YOUR CAR, A THERE IS NO COVERAGE FOR AN INSURED: NEWLY ACQUIRED CAR, A TEMPORARY SUBSTITUTE CAR, OR A TRAILER IN ANY 1. WHO INTENTIONALLY CAUSES BODILY BUSINESS OR OCCUPATION OTHER INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY; THAN A CAR BUSINESS OR VALET PARK- 2. OR FOR THAT INSURED’S INSURER FOR ING. This exclusion does not apply to the main- ANY OBLIGATION UNDER ANY TYPE OF tenance or use of a private passenger car; WORKERS’ COMPENSATION, DISABIL- 10. FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY WHILE IT ITY, OR SIMILAR LAW; IS: 3. FOR BODILY INJURY TO THAT IN- a. OWNED BY; SURED’S EMPLOYEE WHICH ARISES OUT OF THAT EMPLOYEE’S EMPLOY- b. RENTED TO; MENT. This exclusion does not apply to that c. USED BY; insured’s household employee who is neither covered, nor required to be covered, under d. IN THE CARE OF; OR workers’ compensation insurance; e. TRANSPORTED BY 4. FOR BODILY INJURY TO THAT IN- YOU, A RESIDENT RELATIVE, OR THE SURED’S FELLOW EMPLOYEE WHILE PERSON WHO IS LEGALLY LIABLE FOR THE FELLOW EMPLOYEE IS IN THE THE DAMAGE. This exclusion does not ap- COURSE AND SCOPE OF HIS OR HER EM- ply to either damage to a residence while PLOYMENT. This exclusion does not apply to rented to or leased to an insured or damage to a you and resident relatives who are legally liable private garage while rented to or leased to an for bodily injury to fellow employees; insured; 7 9828A 11. FOR LIABILITY ASSUMED UNDER ANY State Farm Companies that provides CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT; Liability Coverage which applies to 12. FOR ANY ORDER OF RESTITUTION IS- the accident as primary coverage; and SUED BY A COURT IN A CRIMINAL PRO- (2) liability coverage provided by one or CEEDING OR EQUITABLE ACTION; more sources other than the State 13. WHILE USING A TRAILER WITH A MO- Farm Companies also applies as pri- TOR VEHICLE IF THAT INSURED IS NOT mary coverage for the same accident, PROVIDED LIABILITY COVERAGE BY then we will pay the proportion of dam- THIS POLICY FOR THE USE OF THAT ages payable as primary that our applica- MOTOR VEHICLE; ble limit bears to the sum of our applicable 14. FOR THE OWNERSHIP, MAINTENANCE, limit and the limits of all other liability OR USE OF ANY VEHICLE WHILE IT IS: coverage that apply as primary coverage. a. OFF PUBLIC ROADS AND BEING PRE- b. If: PARED FOR, USED IN PRACTICE FOR, (1) more than one Car Policy issued to OR OPERATED IN ANY RACING CON- you or any resident relative by the TEST, SPEED CONTEST, HILL- State Farm Companies provides Li- CLIMBING CONTEST, JUMPING CON- ability Coverage which applies to the TEST, OR ANY SIMILAR CONTEST; OR accident as primary coverage; and b. ON A TRACK DESIGNED PRIMARILY (2) liability coverage provided by one or FOR RACING OR HIGH SPEED DRIVING. more sources other than the State This exclusion (14.b.) does not apply if the Farm Companies also applies as pri- vehicle is being used in connection with an mary coverage for the same accident, activity other than racing, high speed driv- then the State Farm Companies will pay the ing, or any type of competitive driving; proportion of damages payable as primary 15. WHO IS AN EMPLOYEE OF THE UNITED that the maximum amount that may be paid STATES OF AMERICA OR ANY OF ITS by the State Farm Companies as determined AGENCIES, IF THE PROVISIONS OF THE in 1. above bears to the sum of such amount FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT APPLY. and the limits of all other liability coverage that apply as primary coverage. If Other Liability Coverage Applies 3. Except as provided in 2. above, the Liability 1. If Liability Coverage provided by this policy Coverage provided by this policy applies as and one or more other Car Policies issued to excess coverage. you or any resident relative by one or more of the State Farm Companies apply to the same a. If: accident, then: (1) this is the only Car Policy issued to a. the Liability Coverage limits of such poli- you or any resident relative by the cies will not be added together to deter- State Farm Companies that provides mine the most that may be paid; and Liability Coverage which applies to the accident as excess coverage; and b. the maximum amount that may be paid from all such policies combined is the sin- (2) liability coverage provided by one or gle highest applicable limit provided by more sources other than the State any one of the policies. We may choose Farm Companies also applies as ex- one or more policies from which to make cess coverage for the same accident, payment. then we will pay the proportion of dam- 2. The Liability Coverage provided by this policy ages payable as excess that our applicable applies as primary coverage for the ownership, limit bears to the sum of our applicable maintenance, or use of your car or a trailer at- limit and the limits of all other liability tached to it, and for the use of a temporary coverage that apply as excess coverage. substitute car, which is loaned by a garageman b. If: engaged in the business of repairing or servic- ing motor vehicles. (1) more than one Car Policy issued to you or any resident relative by the a. If: State Farm Companies provides Li- (1) this is the only Car Policy issued to ability Coverage which applies to the you or any resident relative by the accident as excess coverage; and 8 9828A (2) liability coverage provided by one or and as a nonresident becomes subject to its motor more sources other than the State vehicle compulsory insurance law, financial Farm Companies also applies as ex- responsibility law, or similar law; and cess coverage for the same accident, 2. this policy does not provide at least the mini- then the State Farm Companies will pay the mum liability coverage required by such law proportion of damages payable as excess for such nonresident, that the maximum amount that may be paid by the State Farm Companies as determined then this policy will be interpreted to provide the minimum liability coverage required by such law. in 1. above bears to the sum of such amount and the limits of all other liability coverage This provision does not apply to liability coverage that apply as excess coverage. required by law for motor carriers of passengers or Required Out-of-State Liability Coverage motor carriers of property. If: Financial Responsibility Certification 1. an insured is in another state of the United When this policy is certified under any law as proof States of America, a territory or possession of of future financial responsibility, and while required the United States of America, the District of Co- during the policy period, this policy will comply lumbia, or any province or territory of Canada, with such law to the extent required.


This policy provides Medical Payments Coverage if Medical Services mean treatments, procedures, “C” is shown under “SYMBOLS” on the Declara- products, and other services that are: tions Page. 1. necessary to achieve maximum medical im- Additional Definitions provement for the bodily injury; Insured means: 2. rendered by a healthcare provider: 1. you and resident relatives: a. who is licensed as a healthcare provider if a. while occupying: a license is required by law; and b. within the legally authorized scope of that (1) your car; healthcare provider’s practice; (2) a newly acquired car; 3. commonly and customarily recognized (3) a temporary substitute car; throughout the medical profession and within the United States of America as appropriate for (4) a non-owned car; or the treatment of the bodily injury; (5) a trailer while attached to a car de- 4. primarily designed to serve a medical purpose; scribed in (1), (2), (3), or (4) above; or 5. not experimental; and b. if struck as a pedestrian by a motor vehi- cle or any type of trailer; and 6. not for research purposes. Reasonable Expenses mean the lowest one of the 2. any other person while occupying: following charges: a. your car; 1. The usual fees charged by a majority of health- b. a newly acquired car; care providers who provide similar medical services in the geographical area in which the c. a temporary substitute car; or charges were incurred; d. a trailer while attached to a car described in a., b., or c. above. 2. The fee specified in any fee schedule: Such vehicle must be used within the scope of a. applicable to medical payments coverage, your consent. no-fault coverage, or personal injury pro- tection coverage included in motor vehicle Medical Expenses mean reasonable expenses for liability policies issued in the state where medical services. medical services are provided; and 9 9828A b. as prescribed or authorized by the law of the MOST WE WILL PAY FROM THIS POLICY FOR state where medical services are provided; THE MEDICAL EXPENSES AND FUNERAL 3. The fees agreed to by both the insured’s EXPENSES COMBINED, INCURRED BY OR healthcare provider and us; or ON BEHALF OF ANY ONE INSURED AS A RE- SULT OF ANY ONE ACCIDENT, REGARDLESS 4. The fees agreed upon between the insured’s OF THE NUMBER OF: healthcare provider and a third party when we have a contract with such third party. 1. POLICIES; Insuring Agreement 2. INSUREDS; We will pay: 3. CLAIMS MADE; 1. medical expenses incurred because of bodily 4. CARS OR MOTOR VEHICLES INSURED; injury that is sustained by an insured and OR caused by a motor vehicle accident. We will 5. CARS OR MOTOR VEHICLES INVOLVED only pay such medical expenses: IN THE ACCIDENT. a. if any of the medical services are provided Subject to the limit shown on the Declarations within one year immediately following the Page, the most we will pay for funeral expenses date of the accident; and incurred for any one insured is $3,000. b. for medical services provided within three Exclusions years immediately following the date of the accident; and THERE IS NO COVERAGE FOR AN INSURED: 2. funeral expenses incurred for an insured who 1. WHO IS STRUCK AS A PEDESTRIAN BY A dies within three years immediately following CAR OR MOTOR VEHICLE, OWNED BY the date of a motor vehicle accident if the death THAT INSURED OR YOU, IF IT IS NOT is a direct result of bodily injury sustained in YOUR CAR OR A NEWLY ACQUIRED CAR; such accident. 2. IF ANY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LAW Determining Medical Expenses OR ANY SIMILAR LAW APPLIES TO THAT We have the right to: INSURED’S BODILY INJURY. This exclu- sion applies whether or not the required benefit 1. obtain and use: has been reimbursed to the payer in whole or in a. utilization reviews; part by or on behalf of the injured person; b. peer reviews; and 3. WHO IS OCCUPYING A VEHICLE WHILE c. medical bill reviews IT IS RENTED TO OR LEASED TO OTH- ERS BY AN INSURED; to determine if the incurred charges are medi- cal expenses; 4. WHO IS OCCUPYING A VEHICLE WHILE IT IS BEING USED TO CARRY PERSONS FOR 2. use a medical examination of the insured to A CHARGE. This exclusion does not apply to: determine if: a. the use of a private passenger car on a a. the bodily injury was caused by a motor share-the-expense basis; or vehicle accident; and b. an insured while occupying a non-owned b. the expenses incurred are medical ex- car as a passenger; penses; and 5. WHILE MAINTAINING OR USING A 3. enter into a contract with a third party that has VEHICLE IN CONNECTION WITH THAT an agreement with the insured’s healthcare INSURED’S EMPLOYMENT IN OR provider to charge fees as determined by that ENGAGEMENT OF ANY KIND IN A CAR agreement. BUSINESS. This exclusion does not apply to: Limit a. you; or The Medical Payments Coverage limit is shown on b. any resident relative the Declarations Page under “Medical Payments Coverage – Limit – Each Person”. while maintaining or using your car, a newly ac- quired car, a temporary substitute car, or a trailer; SUBJECT TO IF OTHER MEDICAL PAY- MENTS COVERAGE OR SIMILAR VEHICLE 6. WHILE THAT INSURED IS VALET PARK- INSURANCE APPLIES, THIS LIMIT IS THE ING A VEHICLE; 10 9828A 7. WHILE MAINTAINING OR USING A NON- OR MORE OTHER VEHICLE POLICIES IS- OWNED CAR IN ANY BUSINESS OR OC- SUED TO YOU OR ANY RESIDENT RELA- CUPATION OTHER THAN A CAR BUSI- TIVE BY ONE OR MORE OF THE STATE NESS OR VALET PARKING. This exclusion FARM COMPANIES APPLY TO THE SAME does not apply to the maintenance or use of a BODILY INJURY, THEN: private passenger car; a. THE MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVER- 8. WHO IS EITHER OCCUPYING OR STRUCK AGE LIMITS OF SUCH POLICIES AS A PEDESTRIAN BY ANY MOTOR VEHI- SHALL NOT BE ADDED TOGETHER CLE OR ANY TYPE OF TRAILER THAT IS (NOT STACKED) TO DETERMINE THE LOCATED FOR USE AS A DWELLING OR MOST THAT MAY BE PAID; AND OTHER PREMISES; b. THE MOST WE WILL PAY IF AN IN- 9. WHO IS STRUCK AS A PEDESTRIAN BY SURED SUSTAINS BODILY INJURY IN ANY MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY TYPE OF AN ACCIDENT WHILE OCCUPYING: TRAILER THAT: (1) YOUR CAR, IS THE MEDICAL a. IS DESIGNED FOR USE PRIMARILY PAYMENTS COVERAGE LIMIT OFF PUBLIC ROADS WHILE OFF SHOWN ON THE DECLARATIONS PUBLIC ROADS; OR PAGE OF THIS POLICY; OR b. RUNS ON RAILS OR CRAWLER-TREADS; (2) A CAR OTHER THAN YOUR CAR 10. WHOSE BODILY INJURY RESULTS FROM OR WHILE A PEDESTRIAN, IS WAR OF ANY KIND; THE MEDICAL PAYMENTS COV- ERAGE LIMIT WHICH YOU HAVE 11. WHOSE BODILY INJURY RESULTS FROM: ON ANY ONE CAR OR MOTOR a. NUCLEAR REACTION; VEHICLE OWNED BY YOU. WE b. RADIATION OR RADIOACTIVE CON- WILL MAKE PAYMENT FROM TAMINATION FROM ANY SOURCE; OR THE POLICY WHICH PROVIDES THE HIGHEST MEDICAL PAY- c. THE ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL MENTS COVERAGE LIMITS. DETONATION OF, OR RELEASE OF RADIATION FROM, ANY NUCLEAR 3. The Medical Payments Coverage provided by OR RADIOACTIVE DEVICE; this policy applies as primary coverage for an insured who sustains bodily injury while oc- 12. WHOSE BODILY INJURY RESULTS FROM cupying your car or a trailer attached to it. THE DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM; 13. WHOSE BODILY INJURY RESULTS FROM IF MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE OR EXPOSURE TO FUNGI; OR OTHER SIMILAR VEHICLE INSURANCE PROVIDED BY ONE OR MORE SOURCES 14. WHO IS OCCUPYING A VEHICLE WHILE IT IS: OTHER THAN THE STATE FARM COM- a. BEING PREPARED FOR, USED IN PANIES ALSO APPLIES AS PRIMARY PRACTICE FOR, OR OPERATED IN COVERAGE, THEN WE WILL PAY THE ANY RACING CONTEST, SPEED PROPORTION OF MEDICAL EXPENSES CONTEST, HILL-CLIMBING CON- AND FUNERAL EXPENSES PAYABLE AS TEST, JUMPING CONTEST, OR ANY PRIMARY THAT OUR APPLICABLE LIMIT SIMILAR CONTEST; OR BEARS TO THE SUM OF OUR APPLICA- b. ON A TRACK DESIGNED PRIMARILY BLE LIMIT AND THE LIMITS OF ALL FOR RACING OR HIGH SPEED DRIVING. OTHER MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVER- AGE OR SIMILAR VEHICLE INSURANCE This exclusion (14.b.) does not apply if the THAT APPLY AS PRIMARY. vehicle is being used in connection with an activity other than racing, high speed driv- 4. Except as provided in 3. above, the Medical ing, or any type of competitive driving. Payments Coverage provided by this policy applies as excess coverage. If Other Medical Payments Coverage or Similar Vehicle Insurance Applies IF MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE OR OTHER SIMILAR VEHICLE INSURANCE 1. An insured shall not recover for the same PROVIDED BY ONE OR MORE SOURCES medical expenses or funeral expenses under OTHER THAN THE STATE FARM COM- both this coverage and other medical payments PANIES ALSO APPLIES AS EXCESS coverage or similar vehicle insurance. COVERAGE, THEN WE WILL PAY THE 2. IF MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE PROPORTION OF MEDICAL EXPENSES PROVIDED BY THIS POLICY AND ONE AND FUNERAL EXPENSES PAYABLE AS 11 9828A EXCESS THAT OUR APPLICABLE LIMIT 1. The insured; BEARS TO THE SUM OF OUR APPLICA- BLE LIMIT AND THE LIMITS OF ALL 2. The insured’s surviving spouse; OTHER MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVER- 3. A parent or guardian of the insured, if the in- AGE OR SIMILAR VEHICLE INSUR- sured is a minor or an incompetent person; ANCE THAT APPLY AS EXCESS COVERAGE. 4. A person authorized by law to receive such Our Payment Options payment; or We may, at our option, make payment to one or 5. Any person or organization that provides the more of the following: medical services or funeral services.

UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE COVERAGE This policy provides Uninsured Motor Vehicle 2. the owner and driver of which remain unknown Coverage if “U” is shown under “SYMBOLS” on and which strikes: the Declarations Page. a. the insured; or Additional Definitions b. the vehicle the insured is occupying, Insured means: and causes bodily injury to the insured; or 1. you; 3. an underinsured motor vehicle. 2. resident relatives; Uninsured Motor Vehicle that is not an underinsured 3. any other person while occupying: motor vehicle does not include a land motor vehicle: a. your car; 1. whose ownership, maintenance, or use is pro- vided Liability Coverage by this policy; b. a newly acquired car; or 2. owned by, rented to, or furnished or available for c. a temporary substitute car. the regular use of you or any resident relative; Such vehicle must be used within the scope of 3. owned by, rented to, or operated by a self- your consent. Such other person occupying a insurer under any motor vehicle financial re- vehicle used to carry persons for a charge is sponsibility law, any motor carrier law, or any not an insured; and similar law; 4. any person entitled to recover compensatory 4. owned by or rented to any government or any damages as a result of bodily injury to an in- of its political subdivisions or agencies; sured as defined in 1., 2., or 3. above. 5. designed for use primarily off public roads Uninsured Motor Vehicle means a land motor ve- except while on public roads; or hicle: 6. while located for use as a dwelling or other 1. the ownership, maintenance, and use of which premises. is: Underinsured Motor Vehicle means a land motor a. not insured or bonded for bodily injury li- vehicle: ability at the time of the accident; or 1. the ownership, maintenance, or use of which is b. insured or bonded for bodily injury liabil- either: ity at the time of the accident; but a. insured or bonded for bodily injury liabil- (1) the limits are less than required by the ity at the time of the accident; or Nevada Motor Vehicle Safety Respon- b. self-insured under any motor vehicle financial sibility Act; or responsibility law, a motor carrier law, or any (2) the insuring company: similar law; and (a) denies that its policy provides li- 2. for which the total limits of insurance or self- ability coverage for compensatory insurance for bodily injury liability from all damages that result from the ac- sources is less than the amount needed to com- cident; or pensate the insured for the compensatory dam- ages the insured is legally entitled to collect (b) is or becomes insolvent; from the owner or operator of the other vehicle. 12 9828A Underinsured Motor Vehicle does not include a what is the amount of the compensa- land motor vehicle: tory damages that the insured is le- 1. insured under Liability Coverage of this policy; gally entitled to recover from the owner or driver of the uninsured mo- 2. owned by, rented to, or furnished or available for tor vehicle? the regular use of you or any resident relative; b. If there is no agreement on the answer to 3. designed for use primarily off public roads either question in 1.a. above, then: except while on public roads; (1) if the amount in issue does not exceed 4. while located for use as a dwelling or other $50,000, the insured shall submit the premises; or disagreement to nonbinding arbitration 5. defined as an uninsured motor vehicle in 1. in accordance with the provisions of and 2. under “Uninsured Motor Vehicle NRS 38.250 through NRS 38.259; or means:”. (2) if the amount in issue exceeds Insuring Agreement $50,000 or if there is no agreement af- ter submission to nonbinding arbitra- We will pay compensatory damages for bodily in- tion, the insured shall: jury an insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or driver of an uninsured motor vehicle. (a) file a lawsuit, in a state or federal The bodily injury must be: court that has jurisdiction, against: 1. sustained by an insured; and (i) us; 2. caused by an accident that involves the opera- (ii) the owner and driver of the tion, maintenance, or use of an uninsured mo- uninsured motor vehicle tor vehicle as a motor vehicle. unless we have consented to a settlement offer proposed Consent to Settlement by or on behalf of such The insured must inform us of a settlement offer, if owner or driver; and any, proposed by or on behalf of the owner or driver (iii) any other party or parties of the uninsured motor vehicle, and the insured who may be legally liable for must request our written consent to accept such the insured’s damages; settlement offer. (b) consent to a jury trial if requested If we: by us; 1. consent in writing, then the insured may accept (c) agree that we may contest the issues such settlement offer. of liability and the amount of dam- 2. inform the insured in writing that we do not ages; and consent, then the insured may not accept such (d) secure a judgment in that action. settlement offer and: The judgment must be the final a. we will make payment to the insured in an result of an actual trial and any amount equal to such settlement offer. appeals, if any appeals are taken. This payment is considered a payment 2. We are not bound by any: made by or on behalf of the owner or driver of the uninsured motor vehicle; and a. judgment obtained without our written consent; and b. any recovery from or on behalf of the owner or driver of the uninsured motor b. default judgment against any person or vehicle shall first be used to repay us. organization other than us. Deciding Fault and Amount 3. Regardless of the amount of any award, includ- ing any judgment or default judgment, we are 1. a. The insured and we must agree to the answers not obligated to pay any amount in excess of to the following two questions: the available limits under this coverage of this (1) Is the insured legally entitled to re- policy. cover compensatory damages from the Limits owner or driver of the uninsured mo- tor vehicle? 1. The Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage limits are shown on the Declarations Page under “Un- (2) If the insured and we agree that the insured Motor Vehicle Coverage – Bodily In- answer to 1.a.(1) above is yes, then jury Limits – Each Person, Each Accident”. 13 9828A SUBJECT TO IF OTHER UNINSURED MO- a. as expenses under Medical Payments Cov- TOR VEHICLE COVERAGE APPLIES, erage of this policy, the medical payments THE LIMIT SHOWN UNDER “EACH PER- coverage of any other policy, or other SON” IS THE MOST WE WILL PAY FROM similar vehicle insurance. THIS POLICY FOR ALL DAMAGES RESULT- b. as benefits under any disability insurance ING FROM BODILY INJURY TO ANY ONE including Loss of Earnings Coverage of INSURED INJURED IN ANY ONE ACCI- this or any policy issued by the State Farm DENT, INCLUDING ALL DAMAGES SUS- Companies. TAINED BY OTHER INSUREDS AS A RESULT OF THAT BODILY INJURY. THE Exclusions LIMIT SHOWN UNDER “EACH ACCIDENT” THERE IS NO COVERAGE: IS THE MOST WE WILL PAY FROM THIS POLICY, SUBJECT TO THE LIMIT FOR 1. FOR AN INSURED WHO, WITHOUT OUR “EACH PERSON”, FOR ALL DAMAGES RE- WRITTEN CONSENT, SETTLES WITH ANY SULTING FROM BODILY INJURY TO TWO PERSON OR ORGANIZATION WHO MAY OR MORE INSUREDS INJURED IN THE BE LIABLE FOR THE BODILY INJURY; SAME ACCIDENT. 2. FOR AN INSURED WHO SUSTAINS BOD- 2. THESE UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE COV- ILY INJURY WHILE OCCUPYING A CAR ERAGE LIMITS ARE THE MOST WE WILL OR MOTOR VEHICLE OWNED BY YOU PAY REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF: OR ANY RESIDENT RELATIVE IF IT IS NOT YOUR CAR OR A NEWLY ACQUIRED a. POLICIES; CAR. TO THE EXTENT THE LIMITS OF b. INSUREDS; THIS COVERAGE EXCEED THE MINI- MUM LIMITS REQUIRED BY LAW FOR c. CLAIMS MADE; BODILY INJURY LIABILITY COVERAGE. d. CARS OR MOTOR VEHICLES IN- THE MINIMUM LIMITS REQUIRED BY SURED; OR LAW FOR BODILY INJURY LIABILITY e. CARS OR MOTOR VEHICLES IN- COVERAGE IN NEVADA IS $15,000 PER VOLVED IN THE ACCIDENT. PERSON AND, SUBJECT TO THE PER PERSON LIMIT $30,000 PER ACCIDENT. 3. Any amount payable under Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage will be reduced by amounts This exclusion does not apply to the first that: person shown as a named insured on the Declarations Page and that named insured’s a. have already been paid; spouse who resides primarily with that b. could have been paid; or named insured, while occupying a motor ve- hicle not owned by one or both of them; c. could be paid 3. FOR AN INSURED WHOSE BODILY IN- to or for the insured under any workers’ compen- JURY RESULTS FROM THE DISCHARGE sation law, disability benefits law, or similar law. If OF A FIREARM; the insured is your employee, this does not apply to workers’ compensation insurance purchased by 4. TO THE EXTENT IT BENEFITS: you, or provided by you, if you are a self-insurer a. ANY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION OR under any workers’ compensation law. DISABILITY BENEFITS INSURANCE Nonduplication COMPANY; OR We will not pay under Uninsured Motor Vehicle b. A SELF-INSURER UNDER ANY Coverage any damages: WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LAW, DISABILITY BENEFITS LAW, OR 1. that have already been paid to or for the in- SIMILAR LAW. sured: This exclusion does not apply to workers’ a. by or on behalf of any person or organiza- compensation insurance purchased by you, or tion who is or may be held legally liable provided by you, if you are self-insured under for the bodily injury to the insured; or any workers’ compensation law, for an insured b. for bodily injury under Liability Coverage who is your employee; of any policy issued by the State Farm 5. TO THE EXTENT IT BENEFITS ANY GOV- Companies to you or any resident relative; ERNMENT OR ANY OF ITS POLITICAL 2. that have already been paid: SUBDIVISIONS OR AGENCIES;



The physical damage coverages are Comprehensive 3. Emergency Road Service Coverage if “H”; Coverage, Collision Coverage, Emergency Road 4. Car Rental and Travel Expenses Coverage if “R1” Service Coverage, and Car Rental and Travel Ex- penses Coverage. is shown under “SYMBOLS” on the Declarations Page. This policy provides: If a deductible applies to Comprehensive Coverage, then it is shown on the Declarations Page. The de- 1. Comprehensive Coverage if “D”; ductible that applies to Collision Coverage is shown 2. Collision Coverage if “G”; on the Declarations Page. 15 9828A Additional Definitions a. an insured; Covered Vehicle means: b. any other person who resides primarily in 1. your car; your household; or 2. a newly acquired car; c. an employer of any person described in a. or b. above; nor 3. a temporary substitute car; 2. has been used by, rented by, or in the posses- 4. a camper that is designed to be mounted on a sion of an insured during any part of each of pickup truck and shown on the Declarations Page; the 31 or more consecutive days immediately 5. a non-owned car while it is: prior to the date of the loss. a. being driven by an insured; or Non-Owned Trailer means a trailer that is in the lawful possession of an insured and that neither: b. in the custody of an insured if at the time of the loss it is: 1. is owned by: (1) not being driven; or a. an insured; (2) being driven by a person other than an b. any other person who resides primarily in insured and being occupied by an in- your household; or sured; and c. an employer of any person described in a. 6. a non-owned trailer and a non-owned camper or b. above; nor while it is being used by an insured; 2. has been used by, rented by, or in the posses- including its parts and its equipment that are com- sion of an insured during any part of each of mon to the use of the vehicle as a vehicle. How- the 31 or more consecutive days immediately ever, parts and equipment of trailers and campers prior to the date of the loss. must be securely fixed as a permanent part of the Insuring Agreements trailer or camper. 1. Comprehensive Coverage Daily rental charge means the sum of: We will pay: 1. the daily rental rate; a. for loss, except loss caused by collision, to 2. mileage charges; and a covered vehicle; and 3. related taxes. b. transportation expenses incurred by an in- Insured means you and resident relatives. sured as a result of the total theft of your car or a newly acquired car. These trans- Loss means: portation expenses are payable: 1. direct, sudden, and accidental damage to; or (1) during the period that: 2. total or partial theft of (a) starts on the date you report the a covered vehicle. Loss does not include any re- theft to us; and duction in the value of any covered vehicle after it (b) ends on the earliest of: has been repaired, as compared to its value before it was damaged. (i) the date the vehicle is re- turned to your possession in Loss Caused By Collision means a loss caused by: a drivable condition; 1. a covered vehicle hitting or being hit by an- (ii) the date we offer to pay you other vehicle or other object; or for the loss if the vehicle has 2. the overturning of a covered vehicle. not yet been recovered; or Any loss caused by missiles, falling objects, wind- (iii) the date we offer to pay you storm, hail, fire, explosion, earthquake, water, flood, for the loss if the vehicle is total or partial theft, malicious mischief, vandalism, recovered, but is a total loss riot, civil commotion, or hitting or being hit by a bird as determined by us; and or an animal is not a Loss Caused By Collision. (2) during the period that: Non-Owned Camper means a camper designed to (a) starts on the date the vehicle is be mounted on a pickup truck that is in the lawful left at a repair facility if the stolen possession of an insured and that neither: vehicle is recovered, returned to 1. is owned by: your possession in a drivable 16 9828A condition, and has unrepaired (b) the date we offer to pay you for the damage that resulted from the to- loss if the vehicle is repairable but tal theft; and you choose to delay repairs; or (b) ends on the date the vehicle is re- (c) five days after we offer to pay paired. you for the loss if the vehicle is: These transportation expenses must be re- (i) a total loss as determined by ported to us before we will pay such in- us; or curred expenses. (ii) stolen and not recovered. 2. Collision Coverage The amount of any such daily rental We will pay for loss caused by collision to a charge incurred by you must be reported covered vehicle. to us before we will pay such amount. 3. Emergency Road Service Coverage b. Travel Expenses We will pay the fair cost incurred by an insured for: We will pay expenses for commercial trans- a. up to one hour of labor to repair a covered portation, lodging, and meals if your car or vehicle at the place of its breakdown; a newly acquired car is not drivable as a re- sult of a loss which would be payable under b. towing to the nearest repair facility where Comprehensive Coverage or Collision necessary repairs can be made if a covered Coverage. The loss must occur more than vehicle is not drivable; 50 miles from your home. We will only c. towing a covered vehicle out of a location pay these expenses if they are incurred by: where it is stuck if the vehicle is on or (1) an insured during the period that: immediately next to a public road; (a) starts after the loss occurs; and d. delivery of gas, oil, battery, or tire neces- sary to return a covered vehicle to driving (b) ends on the earlier of: condition. We do not pay the cost of the (i) the insured’s arrival at his or gas, oil, battery, or tire; and her destination or home if the e. up to one hour of labor for locksmith ser- vehicle is left behind for re- vices to unlock a covered vehicle if its key pairs; or is lost, stolen, or locked inside the vehicle. (ii) the repair of the vehicle if the 4. Car Rental and Travel Expenses Coverage insured waits for repairs be- fore continuing on to his or a. Car Rental Expense her destination or returning We will pay the daily rental charge in- home; and curred when you rent a car from a car (2) you, or any person you choose, to business while your car or a newly ac- travel to retrieve the vehicle and drive quired car is: it to either the original destination or (1) not drivable; or your home if the vehicle was left be- hind for repairs. (2) being repaired These expenses must be reported to us be- as a result of a loss which would be pay- fore we will pay such incurred expenses. able under Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Coverage. c. Rental Car – Repayment of Deductible Expense We will pay the daily rental charge in- curred during a period that: We will pay the comprehensive deductible or collision deductible an insured is re- (1) starts on the date: quired to pay the owner of a car rented (a) the vehicle is not drivable as a re- from a car business. sult of the loss; or Supplementary Payments – Comprehensive (b) the vehicle is left at a repair facil- Coverage and Collision Coverage ity if the vehicle is drivable; and If Symbol “D” is shown on the Declarations Page (2) ends on the earliest of: and the covered vehicle sustains loss for which we (a) the date the vehicle has been re- make a payment under Comprehensive Coverage, paired or replaced; or if Symbol “G” is shown on the Declarations Page 17 9828A and the covered vehicle sustains loss for which we (i) the prevailing competitive price; make a payment under Collision Coverage, then we (ii) the lower of paintless dent will pay reasonable expenses incurred to: repair pricing established by 1. tow the covered vehicle immediately after the loss: an agreement we have with a a. for a reasonable distance from the location of third party or the paintless the loss to any one repair facility chosen by dent repair price that is com- an insured or the owner of the covered vehi- petitive in the market; or cle, if the covered vehicle is not drivable; or (iii) a combination of (i) and (ii) b. to any one repair facility or commercial above. storage facility, neither of which was cho- The prevailing competitive price sen by an insured or the owner of the cov- means prices charged by a ma- ered vehicle. We will also pay reasonable jority of the repair market in the expenses incurred to tow the covered vehi- area where the covered vehicle is cle for a reasonable distance from this facil- to be repaired as determined by a ity to any one repair facility chosen by an survey made by us. If asked, we insured or the owner of the covered vehicle, will identify some facilities that if the covered vehicle is not drivable. will perform the repairs at the 2. store the covered vehicle, if it is not drivable prevailing competitive price. The immediately after the loss, at: estimate will include parts suffi- cient to restore the covered vehi- a. any one repair facility or commercial stor- cle to its pre-loss condition. age facility, neither of which was chosen You agree with us that the repair esti- by an insured or the owner of the covered mate may include new, used, recycled, vehicle; and and reconditioned parts. Any of these b. any one repair facility chosen by the owner parts may be either original equipment of the covered vehicle, and we determine manufacturer parts or non-original such vehicle is a total loss. equipment manufacturer parts. If the owner of the covered vehicle consents, You also agree that replacement glass then we may move the covered vehicle at our need not have any insignia, logo, expense to reduce storage costs. If the owner trademark, etching, or other marking of the covered vehicle does not consent, then that was on the replaced glass. we will pay only the storage costs that would have resulted if we had moved the damaged (2) The cost to repair the covered vehicle covered vehicle; and does not include any reduction in the value of the covered vehicle after it 3. clean up debris from the covered vehicle at the location of the loss. The most we will pay to has been repaired, as compared to its clean up the debris is $250 for any one loss. value before it was damaged. Limits and Loss Settlement – Comprehensive (3) If the repair or replacement of a part Coverage and Collision Coverage results in betterment of that part, then 1. We have the right to choose to settle with you you or the owner of the covered vehi- or the owner of the covered vehicle in one of cle must pay for the amount of the the following ways: betterment. a. Pay the cost to repair the covered vehicle (4) If you and we agree, then windshield minus any applicable deductible. glass will be repaired instead of replaced. (1) We have the right to choose one of the b. Pay the actual cash value of the covered following to determine the cost to re- vehicle minus any applicable deductible. pair the covered vehicle: (1) The owner of the covered vehicle and (a) The cost agreed to by both the we must agree upon the actual cash owner of the covered vehicle and us; value of the covered vehicle. If there is disagreement as to the actual cash value (b) A bid or repair estimate approved of the covered vehicle, then the dis- by us; or agreement will be resolved by appraisal (c) A repair estimate that is written upon written request of the owner or us, based upon or adjusted to: using the following procedures: 18 9828A (a) The owner and we will each se- a. The limit shown under “Each Day” is the lect a competent appraiser. most we will pay for the daily rental (b) The two appraisers will select a charge. If: third competent appraiser. If they (1) a dollar amount is shown, then we will are unable to agree on a third ap- pay the daily rental charge up to that praiser within 30 days, then either dollar amount; the owner or we may petition a (2) a percentage amount is shown, then court that has jurisdiction to se- we will pay that percentage of the lect the third appraiser. daily rental charge. (c) Each party will pay the cost of its b. Subject to the “Each Day” limit, the limit own appraiser, attorneys, and ex- shown under “Each Loss” is the most we pert witnesses, as well as any other will pay for Car Rental Expense incurred expenses incurred by that party. as a result of any one loss. Both parties will share equally the cost of the third appraiser. 2. Travel Expenses (d) The appraisers shall only deter- The most we will pay for Travel Expenses in- mine the actual cash value of the curred by all insureds as a result of any one covered vehicle. Appraisers shall loss is $500. have no authority to decide any 3. Rental Car – Repayment of Deductible Expense other questions of fact, decide any questions of law, or conduct The most we will pay for Rental Car – Repay- appraisal on a class-wide or class- ment of Deductible Expense incurred as a re- representative basis. sult of any one loss is $500. (e) A written appraisal that is both Nonduplication agreed upon by and signed by any We will not pay for any loss or expense under the two appraisers, and that also con- Physical Damage Coverages for which the insured tains an explanation of how they or owner of the covered vehicle has already received arrived at their appraisal, will be payment from, or on behalf of, a party who is legally binding on the owner of the cov- liable for the loss or expense. ered vehicle and us. Exclusions (f) We do not waive any of our rights by submitting to an appraisal. THERE IS NO COVERAGE FOR: (2) The damaged covered vehicle must be 1. ANY COVERED VEHICLE THAT IS: given to us in exchange for our pay- a. INTENTIONALLY DAMAGED; OR ment, unless we agree that the owner may keep it. If the owner keeps the b. STOLEN covered vehicle, then our payment BY OR AT THE DIRECTION OF AN INSURED; will be reduced by the value of the 2. ANY COVERED VEHICLE WHILE IT IS covered vehicle after the loss. RENTED TO OR LEASED TO OTHERS BY c. Return the stolen covered vehicle to its AN INSURED; owner and pay, as described in 1.a. above, 3. ANY COVERED VEHICLE WHILE IT IS for any direct, sudden, and accidental USED TO CARRY PERSONS FOR A damage that resulted from the theft. CHARGE. This exclusion does not apply to 2. The most we will pay for transportation expenses the use of a private passenger car on a share- under Comprehensive Coverage is $25 per day the-expense basis; subject to an aggregate limit of $750 per loss. 4. ANY COVERED VEHICLE DUE TO: 3. The most we will pay for loss to a non-owned a. THEFT; trailer or a non-owned camper is $2,500. b. CONVERSION; Limits – Car Rental and Travel Expenses Coverage c. EMBEZZLEMENT; OR 1. Car Rental Expense d. SECRETION The limit for Car Rental Expense is shown on BY AN INSURED, A CONSIGNEE, AN the Declarations Page under “Limit – Car AGENT OF A CONSIGNEE, OR A PERSON Rental Expense – Each Day, Each Loss”. WHO OBTAINS POSSESSION OF THE 19 9828A COVERED VEHICLE WITH THE PERMIS- IS EMPLOYED IN OR ENGAGED IN SION OF A CONSIGNEE OR AGENT OF A ANY WAY IN A CAR BUSINESS; OR CONSIGNEE; b. USED IN ANY BUSINESS OR OCCUPA- 5. LOSS TO YOUR CAR OR A NEWLY AC- TION OTHER THAN A CAR BUSINESS. QUIRED CAR IF AN INSURED VOLUN- This exclusion (12.b.) does not apply to a TARILY RELINQUISHES POSSESSION OF private passenger car; THAT CAR TO A PERSON OR ORGANIZA- TION UNDER AN ACTUAL OR PRE- 13. ANY PART OR EQUIPMENT OF A COVERED SUMED SALES AGREEMENT; VEHICLE IF THAT PART OR EQUIPMENT: a. FAILS OR IS DEFECTIVE; OR 6. ANY COVERED VEHICLE TO THE EX- TENT OUR PAYMENT WOULD BENEFIT b. IS DAMAGED AS A DIRECT RESULT OF: ANY CARRIER OR OTHER BAILEE FOR (1) WEAR AND TEAR; HIRE THAT IS LIABLE FOR LOSS TO SUCH COVERED VEHICLE; (2) FREEZING; OR 7. LOSS TO ANY COVERED VEHICLE DUE (3) MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, OR TO FUNGI. THIS APPLIES REGARDLESS ELECTRONIC BREAKDOWN OR OF WHETHER OR NOT THE FUNGI RE- MALFUNCTION SULT FROM A LOSS THAT IS PAYABLE OF THAT PART OR EQUIPMENT. UNDER ANY OF THE PHYSICAL DAM- AGE COVERAGES. WE WILL ALSO NOT This exclusion does not apply if the loss is the PAY FOR ANY TESTING OR REMEDIATION result of theft of the covered vehicle; OF FUNGI, OR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS 14. ANY PART OR EQUIPMENT: REQUIRED TO REPAIR ANY COVERED VEHICLE THAT ARE DUE TO THE EXIS- a. THAT IS NOT LEGAL FOR USE IN OR TENCE OF FUNGI; ON THE COVERED VEHICLE IN THE JURISDICTION WHERE THE COV- 8. LOSS TO ANY COVERED VEHICLE THAT ERED VEHICLE IS REGISTERED; OR RESULTS FROM: b. THE USE OF WHICH IS NOT LEGAL IN a. NUCLEAR REACTION; THE JURISDICTION WHERE THE COV- b. RADIATION OR RADIOACTIVE CON- ERED VEHICLE IS REGISTERED BE- TAMINATION FROM ANY SOURCE; OR CAUSE OF HOW OR WHERE THAT PART OR EQUIPMENT IS INSTALLED c. THE ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL IN OR ON THE COVERED VEHICLE. DETONATION OF, OR RELEASE OF RADIATION FROM, ANY NUCLEAR However, if there is a legal version of the part OR RADIOACTIVE DEVICE; or equipment that is necessary for the safe op- eration of the covered vehicle, then we will pay 9. LOSS TO ANY COVERED VEHICLE THAT the cost that we would otherwise have paid to RESULTS FROM THE TAKING OF OR repair the vehicle with the legal version of the SEIZURE OF THAT COVERED VEHICLE BY part or equipment. We will not pay any cost ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY; necessary to modify the vehicle for installation 10. LOSS TO ANY COVERED VEHICLE THAT of the legal version of the part or equipment; RESULTS FROM WAR OF ANY KIND; 15. TIRES. This exclusion does not apply if: 11. YOUR CAR WHILE SUBJECT TO ANY: a. loss is caused by missiles, falling objects, a. LIEN AGREEMENT; windstorm, hail, fire, explosion, earthquake, water, flood, total or partial theft, malicious b. RENTAL AGREEMENT; mischief, vandalism, riot, civil commotion, or c. LEASE AGREEMENT; OR hitting or being hit by a bird or an animal; or d. SALES AGREEMENT b. loss caused by collision to another part of the covered vehicle causes loss to tires; NOT SHOWN ON THE DECLARATIONS PAGE; 16. REMOVABLE PRODUCTS USED FOR STORAGE OF AUDIO, VIDEO, OR OTHER 12. ANY NON-OWNED CAR WHILE IT IS: DATA, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED a. BEING MAINTAINED OR USED BY TO TAPES, DISCS, AND MEMORY ANY PERSON WHILE THAT PERSON CARDS, NOR IS THERE COVERAGE FOR

20 9828A THE RECONSTRUCTION OF DATA CON- sum of such amount and the limits of all other TAINED THEREIN; similar coverage that applies as primary coverage. 17. ANY EQUIPMENT USED TO DETECT OR 4. Except as provided in 3. above, the physical INTERFERE WITH SPEED MEASURING damage coverages provided by this policy ap- DEVICES; ply as excess coverage. 18. A CAMPER, INCLUDING ITS PARTS AND If similar coverage provided by one or more ITS EQUIPMENT, THAT IS: sources other than the State Farm Companies a. DESIGNED TO BE MOUNTED ON A also applies as excess coverage for the same PICKUP TRUCK; loss or expense, then the State Farm Compa- b. OWNED BY AN INSURED; AND nies will pay the proportion of the loss or ex- pense payable as excess that the maximum c. NOT SHOWN ON THE DECLARA- amount that may be paid by the State Farm TIONS PAGE; OR Companies bears to the sum of such amount and 19. ANY COVERED VEHICLE WHILE IT IS: the limits of all other similar coverage that ap- a. BEING PREPARED FOR, USED IN plies as excess coverage. PRACTICE FOR, OR OPERATED IN Financed Vehicle ANY RACING CONTEST, SPEED CON- TEST, HILL-CLIMBING CONTEST, 1. If a creditor is shown on the Declarations Page, JUMPING CONTEST, OR ANY SIMILAR then any Comprehensive Coverage or Collision CONTEST; OR Coverage provided by this policy applies to b. ON A TRACK DESIGNED PRIMARILY that creditor’s interest in your car. Coverage FOR RACING OR HIGH SPEED DRIVING. for the creditor’s interest is only provided for a This exclusion (19.b.) does not apply if the loss that is payable to you. vehicle is being used in connection with an However, if this policy is cancelled or nonre- activity other than racing, high speed driv- newed, then we will provide coverage for the ing, or any type of competitive driving. creditor’s interest until we notify the creditor of If Other Physical Damage Coverage or Similar the termination of such coverage. This coverage Coverage Applies for the creditor’s interest is only provided for a loss that would have been payable to you if this 1. If the same loss or expense is payable under more policy had not been cancelled or nonrenewed. than one of the physical damage coverages pro- The date such termination is effective will be at vided by this policy, then only the one coverage least 10 days after the date we mail or electroni- that pays the most for that loss or expense applies. cally transmit a notice of the termination to the 2. If any of the physical damage coverages pro- creditor. The mailing or electronic transmittal of vided by this policy and one or more other the notice will be sufficient proof of notice. policies issued to an insured by one or more of 2. If we pay such creditor, then we are entitled to the State Farm Companies apply to the same the creditor’s right of recovery against you to loss or expense, then only one policy applies. the extent of our payment. Our right of recov- We will select a policy that pays the most for ery does not impair the creditor’s right to re- the loss or expense. cover the full amount of its claim. 3. The physical damage coverages provided by Our Payment Options this policy apply as primary coverage for a loss to your car. 1. Comprehensive Coverage and Collision Coverage If similar coverage provided by one or more sources other than the State Farm Companies a. We may, at our option, make payment to also applies as primary coverage for the same loss one or more of the following for loss to a or expense, then the State Farm Companies will covered vehicle owned by you: pay the proportion of the loss or expense payable (1) You; as primary that the maximum amount that may be paid by the State Farm Companies bears to the (2) The repairer; or

21 9828A (3) A creditor shown on the Declarations 2. Emergency Road Service Coverage and Car Page, to the extent of its interest. Rental and Travel Expenses Coverage b. We may, at our option, make payment to one We may, at our option, make payment to one or or more of the following for loss to a covered vehicle not owned by you: more of the following: (1) You; a. You; (2) The owner of such vehicle; b. The insured who incurred the expense; or (3) The repairer; or c. Any party that provided the service for (4) A creditor, to the extent of its interest. which payment is owed.

DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND LOSS OF SIGHT COVERAGE AND LOSS OF EARNINGS COVERAGE DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND LOSS OF Death $5,000 SIGHT COVERAGE Loss of both hands; both feet; all sight of $5,000 This policy provides Death, Dismemberment and both eyes; one hand & one foot; or one Loss of Sight Coverage if “S” is shown under hand or one foot & all sight of one eye “SYMBOLS” on the Declarations Page. Loss of one hand or one foot; or all $2,500 Additional Definition sight of one eye Insured means a person whose name is shown under Loss of the thumb & a finger on one $1,500 “Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight Coverage hand; or any three fingers – Persons Insured” on the Declarations Page. Loss of any two fingers $1,000 Insuring Agreement We will pay the highest applicable benefit shown in The hand must be cut off through or above the wrist. the following Death, Dismemberment and Loss of The foot must be cut off through or above the ankle. Sight Benefits Schedules if an insured: The whole thumb or finger must be cut off. 1. dies; or If the amount shown on the Declarations Page for the insured is $10,000, then we will pay the applicable 2. suffers dismemberment or permanent loss of benefit shown below for death or for the described sight, as described in the schedule dismemberment or permanent loss of sight: as the direct result of an accident that involves the use of a land motor vehicle or any type of trailer as Death $10,000 a vehicle and not due to any other cause. Loss of both hands; both feet; all sight of $10,000 The insured must be occupying or be struck as a both eyes; one hand & one foot; or one pedestrian by a land motor vehicle or any type of hand or one foot & all sight of one eye trailer at the time of the accident. The death, dis- memberment, or permanent loss of sight must occur Loss of one hand or one foot; or all $5,000 within 90 days after the date of the accident. sight of one eye Benefit Loss of the thumb & a finger on one $3,000 The applicable benefit shown in the schedule is hand; or any three fingers the most we will pay for any one insured in any one accident. Any benefit paid or payable for Loss of any two fingers $2,000 dismemberment or permanent loss of sight reduces the death benefit. The hand must be cut off through or above the wrist. The foot must be cut off through or above the ankle. DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND LOSS OF The whole thumb or finger must be cut off. SIGHT BENEFITS SCHEDULES The benefits shown in the schedules are doubled for If the amount shown on the Declarations Page for the an insured who at the time of the accident was oc- insured is $5,000, then we will pay the applicable cupying a private passenger car and using a seat benefit shown below for death or for the described belt in the manner recommended by the vehicle’s dismemberment or permanent loss of sight: manufacturer. 22 9828A LOSS OF EARNINGS COVERAGE 1. WHILE IN THE COURSE AND SCOPE OF This policy provides Loss of Earnings Coverage if “Z” HIS OR HER EMPLOYMENT IN A CAR is shown under “SYMBOLS” on the Declarations BUSINESS; Page. 2. WHILE OCCUPYING, LOADING, OR Additional Definitions UNLOADING: Insured means a person whose name is shown un- a. AN EMERGENCY VEHICLE IN THE der “Loss of Earnings Coverage – Persons Insured” COURSE AND SCOPE OF HIS OR HER on the Declarations Page. EMPLOYMENT; Total Disability means the insured’s inability to b. A VEHICLE, OTHER THAN AN work, either full or part time, in his or her occupa- EMERGENCY VEHICLE, WHILE USED tion or any other similar occupation for which he or IN THE: she is reasonably fitted by education, training, or (1) INSURED’S BUSINESS; OR experience. (2) COURSE AND SCOPE OF HIS OR Weekly Earnings means 85% of all earnings for the HER EMPLOYMENT IN OTHER insured’s services before any deductions. When THAN A CAR BUSINESS. weekly earnings cannot be determined on a weekly This exclusion (2.b.) does not apply if the basis an average will be used. The average is 85% vehicle is a private passenger car; of the total earnings for the 52 weeks just prior to c. A MILITARY VEHICLE; OR the accident divided by 52. d. A VEHICLE WHILE IT IS: Insuring Agreement (1) BEING PREPARED FOR, USED IN We will pay the insured his or her loss of weekly PRACTICE FOR, OR OPERATED IN earnings, which occur while the insured is living, ANY RACING CONTEST, SPEED due to continuous total disability that: CONTEST, HILL-CLIMBING CON- TEST, JUMPING CONTEST, OR 1. is the direct result of bodily injury caused by ANY SIMILAR CONTEST; OR an accident that involves the use of a land mo- tor vehicle or any type of trailer as a vehicle (2) ON A TRACK DESIGNED PRIMAR- and not due to any other cause. At the time of ILY FOR RACING OR HIGH SPEED the accident, the insured must be occupying or DRIVING. This exclusion (2.d.(2)) be struck as a pedestrian by a land motor vehi- does not apply if the vehicle is being cle or any type of trailer; and used in connection with an activity other than racing, high speed driving, or any 2. starts within 20 days after the date of the acci- type of competitive driving; dent and lasts for a period of at least 30 con- secutive days. We will not pay for the first 3. WHILE OCCUPYING, LOADING, UN- seven days of the 30 day period. LOADING, OR WHO IS STRUCK AS A PE- DESTRIAN BY: Limit a. A MOTOR VEHICLE THAT RUNS ON The most we will pay any one insured is: RAILS OR CRAWLER-TREADS; 1. $250 for each full workweek of total disability; and b. A MOTOR VEHICLE THAT IS DE- 2. a pro rata portion of $250 for less than a full SIGNED FOR USE PRIMARILY OFF workweek of total disability. PUBLIC ROADS WHILE OFF PUBLIC ROADS; OR Subject to the workweek limit, the most we will pay any one insured for all loss of weekly earnings due c. A MOTOR VEHICLE OR ANY TYPE OF to any one accident is $15,000. TRAILER, EITHER OF WHICH IS LO- CATED FOR USE AS A DWELLING OR We will pay once every two weeks the insured’s OTHER PREMISES; OR loss of weekly earnings owed. 4. FOR DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT, LOSS Exclusions – Death, Dismemberment and Loss of OF SIGHT, OR TOTAL DISABILITY THAT Sight Coverage and Loss of Earnings Coverage RESULTS FROM: DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND LOSS OF a. WAR OF ANY KIND; SIGHT COVERAGE AND LOSS OF EARNINGS b. NUCLEAR REACTION, RADIATION COVERAGE DO NOT APPLY TO AN INSURED: OR RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION 23 9828A FROM ANY SOURCE, OR THE Our Payment Options – Death, Dismemberment ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL and Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of Earn- DETONATION OF, OR RELEASE OF ings Coverage RADIATION FROM, ANY NUCLEAR OR RADIOACTIVE DEVICE; We may, at our option, make payment to one or c. THE DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM; more of the following: d. EXPOSURE TO FUNGI; 1. The insured; e. SUICIDE OR ATTEMPTED SUICIDE 2. The insured’s surviving spouse; REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE IN- 3. A parent or guardian of the insured, if the in- SURED WAS SANE OR INSANE; OR sured is a minor or an incompetent person; or f. DISEASE except pus-forming infection due 4. A person or organization authorized by law to to bodily injury sustained in the accident. receive such payment.

INSURED’S DUTIES 1. Notice to Us of an Accident or Loss 4. Questioning Under Oath The insured must give us or one of our agents Under: notice of the accident or loss as soon as rea- a. Liability Coverage, each insured; sonably possible. The notice must give us: b. Medical Payments Coverage, Uninsured a. your name; Motor Vehicle Coverage, Death, Dismem- b. the names and addresses of all persons in- berment and Loss of Sight Coverage, or volved in the accident or loss; Loss of Earnings Coverage, each insured, c. the hour, date, place, and facts of the acci- or any other person or organization mak- dent or loss; and ing claim or seeking payment; and d. the names and addresses of witnesses to c. Physical Damage Coverages, each insured the accident or loss. or owner of a covered vehicle, or any other person or organization making claim or 2. Notice to Us of a Claim or Lawsuit seeking payment; a. If a claim is made against an insured, then must, at our option, submit to an examination that insured must immediately send us under oath, provide a statement under oath, or every demand, notice, and claim received. do both, as reasonably often as we require. b. If a lawsuit is filed against an insured, then Such person or organization must answer ques- that insured must immediately send us every tions under oath, asked by anyone we name, summons and legal process received. and sign copies of the answers. We may re- quire each person or organization answering 3. Insured’s Duty to Cooperate With Us questions under oath to answer the questions a. The insured must cooperate with us and, with only that person’s or organization’s legal when asked, assist us in: representative, our representatives, any person or persons designated by us to record the ques- (1) making settlements; tions and answers, and no other person present. (2) securing and giving evidence; and 5. Other Duties Under the Physical Damage (3) attending, and getting witnesses to at- Coverages tend, depositions, hearings, and trials. When there is a loss, you or the owner of the b. The insured must not, except at his or her covered vehicle must: own cost, voluntarily: a. protect the covered vehicle from additional (1) make any payment to others; or damage. We will pay any reasonable ex- (2) assume any obligation to others pense incurred to do so that is reported to us; unless authorized by the terms of this policy. c. Any person or organization making claim b. make a prompt report to the police when under this policy must, when we require, the loss is the result of theft; give us proof of loss on forms we furnish. c. allow us to: 24 9828A (1) inspect any damaged property before (a) medical bills; its repair or disposal; (b) medical records; (2) test any part or equipment before that part or equipment is removed or re- (c) wage, salary, and employment in- paired; and formation; and (d) any other information we deem (3) move the covered vehicle at our ex- necessary to substantiate the claim. pense in order to conduct such inspec- tion or testing; If an injured insured is a minor, un- d. provide us all: able to act, or dead, then his or her le- gal representative must provide us (1) records; with the written authorization. (2) receipts; and If the holder of the information re- (3) invoices fuses to provide it to us despite the au- that we request and allow us to make copies; thorization, then at our request the and person making claim or his or her le- e. not abandon the covered vehicle to us. gal representative must obtain the in- formation and promptly provide it to 6. Other Duties Under Medical Payments Cov- us; and erage, Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage, Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight (4) allow us to inspect the vehicle that the Coverage, and Loss of Earnings Coverage insured occupied in the accident; A person making claim under: b. Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage must: a. Medical Payments Coverage, Uninsured (1) report an accident, involving a motor Motor Vehicle Coverage, Death, Dismem- vehicle whose owner and driver re- berment and Loss of Sight Coverage, or main unknown, to the police within 24 Loss of Earnings Coverage must: hours and to us within 30 days; (1) notify us of the claim and give us all (2) send us immediately a copy of all: the details about the death, injury, (a) lawsuit papers if the insured files treatment, and other information that a lawsuit against the party liable we may need as soon as reasonably for the accident; and possible after the injured insured is first examined or treated for the in- (b) submissions to nonbinding arbi- jury. If the insured is unable to give tration or any other form of alter- us notice, then any other person may nate dispute resolution. give us the required notice; c. Loss of Earnings Coverage must: (2) be examined as reasonably often as we (1) make a claim under this policy; may require by physicians chosen and paid by us. A copy of the report will be (2) report to us when that person has a to- sent to the person upon written request; tal disability; and (3) provide written authorization for us to (3) provide proof of continued total dis- obtain: ability when we ask for it.

1. When Coverage Applies 12:01 AM Standard Time at the address shown on the Declarations Page. The coverages provided by this policy are shown on the Declarations Page and apply to 2. Where Coverage Applies accidents and losses that occur during the policy The coverages provided by this policy are period. The policy period is shown on the Dec- shown on the Declarations Page and apply to larations Page and is for successive periods of accidents and losses that occur: six months each for which the renewal premium a. in the United States of America and its terri- is paid. The policy period begins and ends at tories and possessions; 25 9828A b. in Canada; and revised policy booklet, a revised Dec- c. while a vehicle for which coverage is larations Page, or an endorsement. provided by this policy is being shipped b. Change of Interest between the ports of the United States of America, its territories, its possessions, (1) No change of interest in this policy is and Canada. effective unless we consent in writing. (2) Except under Death, Dismemberment 3. Newly Owned or Newly Leased Car and Loss of Sight Coverage and Loss of If you want to insure a car newly owned by you Earnings Coverage, if a named insured with the State Farm Companies after that car dies, then the definition of insured un- ceases to be a newly acquired car, then you must der each of the coverages provided by either: this policy is changed to include: a. request we replace the car currently shown (a) any person with lawful custody of on the Declarations Page of this policy with your car, a newly acquired car, or the car newly owned by you and pay us any a temporary substitute car until a added amount due. If you make such request legal representative is qualified; while this policy is in force and: and then (1) before the car newly owned by you (b) the legal representative of the de- ceases to be a newly acquired car, ceased named insured. then that car newly owned by you will This only applies while such person is be insured by this policy as your car maintaining or using your car, a beginning on the date the car newly newly acquired car, or a temporary owned by you is delivered to you. The substitute car. added amount due will be calculated Policy notice requirements are met by based on that date; or mailing the notice to the most recent (2) after the car newly owned by you policy address that we have on record ceases to be a newly acquired car, for the deceased named insured. then that car newly owned by you will c. Joint and Individual Interests be insured by this policy as your car If “you” consists of more than one person beginning on the date and time you or entity, then each acts for all to change or make the request. The added amount cancel the policy. due will be calculated based on that date; or d. Change of Policy Address b. apply to the State Farm Companies for a We may change the named insured’s policy separate policy to insure the car newly address as shown on the Declarations Page owned by you. Such policy will be issued and in our records to the most recent ad- only if both the applicant and the vehicle dress provided to us by: are eligible for coverage at the time of the (1) you; or application. (2) the United States Postal Service. 4. Changes to This Policy 5. Premium a. Changes in Policy Provisions a. Unless as otherwise provided by an alter- We may only change the provisions of this native payment plan in effect with the policy by: State Farm Companies with respect to the (1) issuing a revised policy booklet, a re- premium for this policy, the premium is vised Declarations Page, or an en- due and payable in full on or before the dorsement; or first day of the policy period shown on the most recently issued Declarations Page or (2) revising this policy to give broader Renewal Notice. coverage without an additional pre- mium charge. If any coverage pro- b. The renewal premium for this policy will vided by this policy is changed to give be based upon the rates in effect, the cov- broader coverage, then we will give erages carried, the applicable limits, de- you the broader coverage as of the ductibles, and other elements that affect date we make the change effective in the premium that apply at the time of re- the state of Nevada without issuing a newal. 26 9828A c. The premium for this policy may vary 8. Cancellation based upon the purchase of other insurance a. How You May Cancel from the State Farm Companies. d. The premium for this policy is based upon You may cancel this policy by providing to us advance notice of the date cancellation information we have received from you or is effective. We may confirm the cancella- other sources. You must inform us if any information regarding the following is in- tion in writing. correct or incomplete, or changes during b. How and When We May Cancel the policy period, and you must answer We may cancel this policy by mailing or questions we ask regarding the following: delivering a written notice to the most re- (1) Your car, or its use, including annual cent policy address we have on record for mileage; the named insured. The notice will pro- vide the date cancellation is effective. (2) The persons who regularly drive your car, including newly licensed family (1) If we mail or deliver a cancellation notice: members; (a) during the first 69 days following (3) Your marital status; or this policy’s effective date; or (4) The location where your car is pri- (b) because the premium is not paid marily garaged. when due, then the date cancellation is effective If the above information or any other infor- will be at least 10 days after the date we mation used to determine the premium is in- mail or deliver the cancellation notice. correct, incomplete, changes during the policy period, or is not provided to us when Otherwise, the date cancellation is ef- fective will be at least 30 days after we ask, then we may decrease or increase the the date we mail or deliver the cancel- premium during the policy period. If we de- lation notice. crease the premium during the policy period, then we will provide a refund or a credit in (2) After this policy has been in force for more than 69 days, we will not cancel the amount of the decrease. If we increase this policy before the end of the cur- the premium during the policy period, then rent policy period unless: you must pay the amount of the increase. (a) the premium is not paid when due; or 6. Renewal (b) we discover: We agree to renew this policy for the next pol- icy period upon payment of the renewal pre- (i) an act or omission; or mium when due, unless we mail or deliver a (ii) a violation of any condition of nonrenewal notice or a cancellation notice as this policy, set forth in 7. and 8. below. which occurred after the effective date of the policy and substantially 7. Nonrenewal and materially increases the hazard If we decide not to renew this policy, then we insured against. will mail or deliver a nonrenewal notice to the c. Return of Unearned Premium most recent policy address we have on record for the named insured, at least: If you cancel this policy, then premium may be earned on a short rate basis. If we a. 30 days before the end of the current policy cancel this policy, then premium will be period if your car: earned on a pro rata basis. (1) is not a commercial vehicle; and Any unearned premium may be returned (2) is not used in business; or within a reasonable time after cancellation. Delay in the return of any unearned pre- b. 60 days before the end of the current pol- mium does not affect the cancellation date. icy period if your car: 9. Assignment (1) is a commercial vehicle; or No assignment of benefits or other transfer of (2) is used in business. rights is binding upon us unless approved by us.

27 9828A 10. Bankruptcy or Insolvency of the Insured (2) reimburse us to the extent of our Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured or his payment. or her estate will not relieve us of our obliga- 13. Legal Action Against Us tions under this policy. Legal action may not be brought against, nor 11. Concealment or Fraud may arbitration be demanded of, us until there There is neither Liability Coverage above the has been full compliance with all the provi- minimum limits required by NRS 485.3091 nor sions of this policy. In addition, legal action any other coverage under this policy if you or may only be brought against, or arbitration may any other person insured under this policy has be demanded of, us regarding: made false statements with the intent to conceal a. Liability Coverage after the amount of or misrepresent any material fact or circum- damages an insured is legally liable to pay stance in connection with any claim under this policy. The person making such false statements has been finally determined by: agrees to repay us for any payment we made. (1) judgment after an actual trial, and any 12. Our Right to Recover Our Payments appeals of that judgment if any ap- peals are taken; or Payments made from Medical Payments Cov- erage, Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage if (2) agreement between the claimant and the accident arose out of the operation, mainte- us with or without the use of nonbind- nance, or use of an underinsured motor vehi- ing arbitration as required by NRS cle, Death, Dismemberment and Loss of Sight 38.250. Coverage and Loss of Earnings Coverage are b. Medical Payments Coverage if the legal not recoverable by us. Under all other cover- action relating to this coverage is brought ages the following apply: against, or the arbitration relating to this a. Subrogation coverage is demanded of, us within six years immediately following the date of If we are obligated under this policy to the accident. make payment to or for a person or or- ganization who has a legal right to collect c. Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage if the in- from another person or organization, then sured or that insured’s legal representative: we will be subrogated to that right to the (1) presents either an Uninsured Motor extent of our payment. Vehicle Coverage claim to us; and The person or organization to or for whom we (2) files a lawsuit or demands nonbinding make payment must help us recover our arbitration in accordance with the De- payments by: ciding Fault and Amount provision (1) doing nothing to impair that legal right; of the involved coverage. (2) executing any documents we may Except as provided in c.(2) above, no other need to assert that legal right; and legal action may be brought against, nor (3) taking legal action through our represen- any arbitration be demanded of, us relating tatives when we ask. to Uninsured Motor Vehicle Coverage for any other causes of action that arise out of b. Reimbursement or are related to these coverages until there If we make payment under this policy and the has been full compliance with the provi- person or organization to or for whom we sions titled Consent to Settlement and make payment recovers or has recovered from Deciding Fault and Amount. another person or organization, then that per- d. Physical Damage Coverages if the legal son or organization to or for whom we make action relating to these coverages is payment must: brought against, or the arbitration relating to these coverages is demanded of, us (1) hold in trust for us the proceeds of any within six years immediately following the recovery; and date of the accident or loss.

28 9828A 14. Choice of Law (2) Participating Policy provision found Without regard to choice of law rules, the law on the most recently issued Declara- of the State of: tions Page, if this policy was issued by any subsidiary or affiliate of the State a. Nevada will control, except as provided in Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance item b. below, in the event of any disagree- Company. ment as to the interpretation and application of any provision in this policy; and 15. Severability b. Illinois will control in the event of any dis- If any provision of this policy is held invalid or agreement as to the interpretation and ap- unenforceable by a court that has jurisdiction, plication of this policy’s: then: (1) Mutual Conditions provision found on a. such provision will remain in full force to the the most recently issued Declarations extent not held invalid or unenforceable; and Page, if this policy was issued by the State Farm Mutual Automobile Insur- b. all other provisions of this policy will re- ance Company; or main valid and enforceable.