Secure digital card applications use which protocol

Secure Digital Card Commands Programmer

Secure Digital Card Commands

Secure Digital Card Commands vary depending on the type of data bus protocol used. The SD Association, the organization in control of all Secure Digital Card Specifications, requires all SD card devices to support both the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus and one-bit SD bus modes. The list below describes the 4 data bus protocols currently supported by Secure Digital memory cards.

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus Mode

The SPI bus solely supports a 3.3V power supply, does not require a host license.

One-bit SD Bus Mode

Supported by all Secure Digital memory cards. Features separate command and data lines, and uses a proprietary data transfer format.

Four-bit SD Bus Mode

All SD memory cards support this bus mode, as well. In addition, UHS-I and UHS-II cards require this. Identical to the One-bit SD Bus Mode except it uses one command line and four data lines for accelerated data transfer speeds.

Two Differential Lines SD UHS-II Mode

Uses two low-voltage differential signaling interfaces to transfer both commands and data. UHS-II memory cards include this interface along with the SD bus modes described above.

Serial Peripheral Interface Block Diagram

Secure Digital Card Commands Format Using SPI

For communicating at the individual command level with SD memory cards, I recommend using the SPI Bus Protocol. Firstly, the SD Association mandates all SD memory cards support the the SPI bus protocol. Consequently, this one univeral protocol works with all Secure Digital memory. Secondly, being both open-source and non-proprietary, no one can ever restrict or prohibit use of the SPI Protocol. Thirdly, requiring only a 3.3V power line, a ground connection, a clock signal, and a MOSI-MISO line, one can implement the SPI Bus with just 4 connections.

All Secure Digital Card Commands and data sent through the Serial Peripheral Interface Bus are 6 bytes, or 48 bits, long and are made of 8-bit, or 1 byte, words. Some transmissions may contain padding bits but the host and memory card always communicate using only multiples of 8 bits.

Secure Digital Card Command Data Bit Format
Start Bit TX Bit CMD ARG CRC7 End Bit
Position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] 0
Width (bits) 1 1 6 32 7 1
Value 0 1 1

Secure Digital Card Commands for the SPI Protocol

The next four tables below list many of the SPI Protocol commands available to run. The list of supported commands in SPI mode consists of a subset of commands supported in SD mode. Set all padding bits to ‘0’.

Firstly, a table matching the Command ID with the Command Name appears. Secondly, a table displaying the Command ID with a Description of the Command. Thirdly, a table listing the Command ID, Command encoded in binary, and the contents of the command argument in bits. Lastly, a table showing the Command ID and the Format of the Response.

Secure Digital Card Command Names
CMD Name
Secure Digital Card Command Descriptions
CMD Command Description
CMD0 Resets the SD Memory Card.
CMD1 Sends host capacity support information and activates the card’s initialization process. HCS is effective when card receives SEND_IF_COND command. Set all reserved bits to ‘0’.
CMD6 Checks switchable function (mode 0) and switches card function (mode 1).
CMD8 Sends SD Memory Card interface condition that includes Host Supply Voltage (VHS) information and asks the accessed card whether card can operate in supplied voltage range. Set all reserved bits to ‘0’.
CMD9 Asks the selected card to send its card-specific data (CSD).
CMD10 Asks the selected card to send its card identification (CID).
CMD12 Forces the card to stop transmission in Multiple Block Read Operation.
CMD13 Asks the selected card to send its status register.
CMD16 Sets a block length (in bytes) for all following block commands (read and write) (note 2) of a Standard Capacity Card. Block length of the read and write commands are fixed to 512 bytes in SDHC and SDXC cards. The length of LOCK_UNLOCK command is set by this command in all cards, regardless of capacity.
CMD17 Reads a block of the size selected by SET_BLOCKLEN command.
CMD18 Continuously transfers data blocks from card to host until interrupted by a STOP_TRANSMISSION command.
CMD24 Writes a block of the size selected by the SET_BLOCKLEN command.
CMD25 Continuously writes blocks of data until ‘Stop Tran’ token is sent (instead of ‘Start Block’).
CMD27 Programming of the programmable bits of the CSD.
CMD28 If the card has write protection features, this command sets the write protection bit of the addressed group. The write protection properties appear in the card specific data (WP_GRP_SIZE). SDHC and SDXC cards do not support this command.
CMD29 If the card has write protection features, this command clears the write protection bit of the addressed group. SDHC and SDXC cards do not support this command.
CMD30 If the card has write protection features, this command asks the card to send the status of the write protection bits. SDHC and SDXC cards do not support this command.
CMD32 Sets the address of the first write block to be erased.
CMD33 Sets the address of the last write block of the continuous range to be erased.
CMD38 Erases all previously selected write blocks.
CMD42 Used to Set/Reset the Password or lock/unlock the card. A transferred data block includes all the command details. The size of the Data Block is defined with SET_BLOCK_LEN command. Reserved bits in the argument and in Lock Card Data Structure shall be set to 0.
CMD55 Defines to the card that the next command is an application specific command rather than a standard command.
CMD56 Used either to transfer a Data Block to the card or to get a Data Block from the card for general purpose/application specific commands. In case of Standard Capacity SD Memory Card, the size of the Data Block shall be defined with SET_BLOCK_LEN command. Block length of this command is fixed to 512-byte in SDHC and SDXC cards.
CMD58 Reads the OCR register of a card. CCS bit is assigned to OCR[30].
CMD59 Turns the CRC option on or off. A ‘1’ turns the option on. A ‘0’ turns it off.
Secure Digital Card Command Binary Translations & Arguments
CMD CMD in Binary Argument
CMD0 000000 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD1 000001 [31] Reserved
[30] HCS
[29:0] Reserved
CMD6 000110 [31] Mode (0 = Check function, 1 = Switch Function)
[30:24] Set All Bits to ’0’ (Reserved)
[23:20] All Set to ’0’ or 0xF (Reserved for Function Group 6)
[19:16] Set All to ’0’ or 0xF (Reserved for Function Group 5)
[15:12] All Set to ’0’ or 0xF (Reserved for Function Group 4)
[11:8] Set All to ’0’ or 0xF (Reserved for Function Group 3)
[7:4] Function Group 2 for Command System
[3:0] Function Group 1 for Access Mode
CMD8 001000 [31:12] Reserved Bits
[11:8] Supply Voltage (VHS)
[7:0] Check Pattern
CMD9 001001 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD10 001010 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD12 001100 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD13 001101 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD16 010000 [31:0] Block Length
CMD17 010001 [31:0] Data Address
CMD18 010010 [31:0] Data Address
CMD24 011000 [31:0] Data Address
CMD25 011001 [31:0] Data Address
CMD27 011011 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD28 011100 [31:0] Data Address
CMD29 011101 [31:0] Data Address
CMD30 011110 [31:0] Write Protect Data Address
CMD32 100000 [31:0] Data Address
CMD33 100001 [31:0] Data Address
CMD38 100110 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD42 101010 [31:0] Reserved Bits (Set All to 0)
CMD55 110111 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD56 111000 [31:1] Stuff Bits
[0] RD/WR
CMD58 111010 [31:0] Stuff Bits
CMD59 111011 [31:1] Stuff Bits
[0] CRC option
Secure Digital Card Command Responses
CMD Response Format
CMD10 R1
CMD12 R1b
CMD13 R2
CMD16 R1
CMD17 R1
CMD18 R1
CMD24 R1
CMD25 R1
CMD27 R1
CMD28 R1b
CMD29 R1b
CMD30 R1
CMD32 R1
CMD33 R1
CMD38 R1b
CMD42 R1
CMD55 R1
CMD56 R1
CMD58 R3
CMD59 R1
Digital Logic Analyzer Capture of a Secure Digital Card SPI Command

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Secure Digital Application Specific Card Commands

The three tables below list most of the SPI Protocol application specific commands to run after executing CMD55. Firstly, a table matching the Command ID with the Command Name appears. Secondly, a table displaying the Command ID with a Description of the Command. Lastly, a table showing the Command ID, contents of the Arugment in bits, and the Format of the Response.

SD Card Application Specific Command Names
CMD Name
SD Card Application Specific Command Descriptions
CMD Description
ACMD13 Transmit the contents of the card’s status register. The SD card (in SPI mode) responds with a R2 response.
ACMD22 Send the numbers of the successfully written blocks (those without errors). Responds with 32-bit+CRC data block.
ACMD23 Set the number of write blocks to be pre-erased before writing (to be used for faster Multiple Block WR command). ‘1’=default (one wr block).
ACMD41 Transmit host capacity support information and activate the SD card’s initialization process. Set all reserved bits to ‘0’.
ACMD42 Connect (‘1’) / Disconnect (‘0’) the 50 KOhm pull-up resistor on CS (pin 1) of the card. The controller may use the pull-up for card detection.
ACMD51 Read the SD Configuration Register (SCR).
SD Card Application Specific Command Arguments & Responses
CMD Response Format Argument
ACMD13 R2 [31:0] Stuff Bits
ACMD22 R1 [31:0] Stuff Bits
ACMD23 R1 [31:23] Stuff Bits
[22:0] # Blocks
ACMD41 R1 [31] Reserved
[30] HCS
[29:0] Reserved
ACMD42 R1 [31:1] Stuff Bits
[0] set_cd
ACMD51 R1 [31:0] Stuff Bits

Secure Digital Card Command Response Formats

Whenever a SD Card controller sends a command to a SD Card, the memory card always responds in one of five response formats.

Secure Digital Card Command Response Format 1 – R1

The table below describes the 8 bits, or 1 byte, of data comprising the first command response format.

Bit Name Description
0 In Idle State The card is in idle state and running the initializing process.
1 Erase Reset An erase sequence was cleared before executing because an out of erase sequence command was received.
2 Illegal Command An illegal command code was detected.
3 CRC Error The CRC check of the last command failed.
4 Erase Sequence Error An error in the sequence of erase commands occurred.
5 Address Error A misaligned address that did not match the block length was used in the command.
6 Parameter Error The command’s arguments (e.g. address, block length) reside outside the allowed range for this card.
7 MSB Always Zero
Secure Digital Card Command Response Format 2 – R1b

The second response format sends a busy signal. The first byte transmits the R1 Command Response and then adds extra ‘0’ bytes afterwards. An idle SD card signals to the controller availablity to receive another command by sending a non-zero byte of data.

Secure Digital Card Command Response Format 3 – R2

The third response format is 2 bytes in length, with the first byte being identical to SD Card Command Response Format 1 and the second byte described in the table below.

Bit Name Description
0 Card Locked Set to ‘1’ when locked. Reset to ‘0’ when unlocked.
1 Write Protect Erase Skip
Lock/Unlock Failed
Set when the host attempts to erase a write-protected sector or makes a sequence or password errors during card locking and unlocking.
2 Error A general or unknown error occurred during the operation.
3 CC Error Internal card controller error occurred during the operation.
4 Card ECC Failed Card internal ECC applied successfully but failed to correct the data.
5 Write Protect Violation The command attempted to write a write-protected block.
6 Erase Parameter An invalid selection for erase sectors or groups.
7 Out of Range
CSD Overwrite
A parameter out of range error occurred during the operation.
Secure Digital Card Command Response Format 4 – R3

The fourth response format is 5 bytes, or 40 bits, long. The first byte sent is identical to Response Format 1. The remaining 4 bytes, or 32 bits, contain the contents of the OCR register.

Secure Digital Card Command Response Format 5 – R7

At 5 bytes, or 40 bits, in length, Response Format 5 results when a SD Card responds with the SEND_IF_COND command (CMD8).


To conclude, I recommend learning and using the Serial Peripheral Interface Bus Protocol for direct, command-level communication with Secure Digital Flash Memory Cards. Firstly, all SD cards support the SPI protocol. Secondly, being an open-source, non-proprietary format makes the protocol free to use for everybody. Thirdly, SPI communications only require 4 connections: power, ground, a clock signal, and a singe duplex MOSI-MISO line, making them simple to physically implement.

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