Researching and communicating climate change impacts and solutions

We use science and technology to generate thousands of local storylines and compelling visuals that make climate change personal and show what can be done about it.

Science made clear

Helping journalists bring climate science into reporting

Exploration made easy

Powerful tools to understand impacts and solutions

Coastal Risk Screening Tool

Explore local sea level rise and coastal flooding risks worldwide with maps that use the most advanced available global model of coastal elevations

Global Climate Shift Index

See the daily influence of climate change on local temperatures around the world.

Climate Shift Index: Ocean

The Climate Shift Index: Ocean quantifies the influence of climate change on sea surface temperatures. It’s grounded in peer-reviewed attribution science and was launched by Climate Central in 2024.

Picturing Our Future

Visualize how climate and energy choices this decade will influence sea levels for hundreds of years.

Sinking Tax Base

Quantify the impact of sea level rise on county tax bases as property lines move inland.

Weather Power

Create and download graphical forecasts of daily wind or solar electricity generation for any U.S. media market, county, or congressional district

Risk Finder

Explore the risks of sea level rise and coastal flooding in any U.S. community with downloadable tables and figures, maps, local projections, and potential impacts to populations, land, property values, and more

Coastal Risk Screening Tool

Explore local sea level rise and coastal flooding risks worldwide with maps that use the most advanced available global model of coastal elevations

Global Climate Shift Index

See the daily influence of climate change on local temperatures around the world.

Climate Shift Index: Ocean

The Climate Shift Index: Ocean quantifies the influence of climate change on sea surface temperatures. It’s grounded in peer-reviewed attribution science and was launched by Climate Central in 2024.

Picturing Our Future

Visualize how climate and energy choices this decade will influence sea levels for hundreds of years.

Sinking Tax Base

Quantify the impact of sea level rise on county tax bases as property lines move inland.

Weather Power

Create and download graphical forecasts of daily wind or solar electricity generation for any U.S. media market, county, or congressional district

Risk Finder

Explore the risks of sea level rise and coastal flooding in any U.S. community with downloadable tables and figures, maps, local projections, and potential impacts to populations, land, property values, and more

Coastal Risk Screening Tool

Explore local sea level rise and coastal flooding risks worldwide with maps that use the most advanced available global model of coastal elevations